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Utouch quality
Aicee Technologies is a cutting edge IT Firm registered in Nigeria

We stand behind our designs and culture.

Our main goal is to be forerunner in the provision of cutting edge IT solutions in the country and beyond; this we intend to achieve throught delivering high end solutions that are efficient, affordable and scalable. We work to increase the overall satisfaction levels for customers/clients

Utouch quality
Aicee Technologies commits to providing hight qality services

We stand behind our designs and culture.

The Company is into Software Development (Desktop Apps, Mobile Apps & Websites), Network Administration, Data Administration, Corporate Branding, Computer Management, ICT Equipment Supplies, ICT Security & Control, ICT Training & Consultancy.

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Latest from Aicee

We stand behind our designs and culture. We love what we do, and we do what we love. We understand the importance of  the right path.
Corporate Services

Corporate Services

we advises clients in all areas of media, entertainment, and technology. we help our clients grow their portfolio in all areas.


The truth is that there is no actual stress or anxiety in the world; it's your thoughts that create these false beliefs and other things.

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